Unsedated transnasal endoscopy improves recovery time and makes diagnostic procedures better for families.
Category: Gastroenterology
Endobiliary ablation can extend survival for patients with conditions like cholangiocarcinoma and pancreatic cancers.
Using EUS for a biopsy, portal pressure measurement, and upper endoscopy offers a 3-in-1 procedure to diagnose liver disease at UVA Health.
Syed aims to use data on childhood GI disease to deliver precision medicine and improve health equity for children worldwide.
A new endobariatric procedure offers a weight-loss option for patients that's less invasive than surgery and more effective than medication.
These procedures offer minimally invasive options for many conditions, including early gastrointestinal cancers.
This ambitious international study aims to provide the definitive data needed to improve clinical management for this complex patient population.
UVA Health is among the first 25 centers to bring cancer patients the MRIdian Linac, a significant advance in MR-guided radiation therapy.
Find out what cutting-edge genomics technology uncovered as the critical drivers of gut-related cancers.
UVA Health is testing whether smartwatch-based preconditioning can improve abdominal cancer surgical outcomes.