Virtual reality and 3D modeling allow pediatric CHD specialists to visualize defects and analyze their approach.
Author: Meghan Drummond (Page 2)
New research on eosinophilic esophagitis examines the role of IgG4 and food allergies. This could lead to more accessible treatment and diagnosis.
Brynne Sullivan, MD, is exploring many options for improving neonatal outcomes, including predictive analytics, AI, and machine learning.
Undernutrition remains one of the largest global challenges for child health, but its effects still aren't fully understood. A UVA Health Children's researcher looks at generational implications.
Autistic children have a higher risk of bone fractures due to a lower bone mineral density. A new clinical trial looks to use oxytocin supplementation to improve healthy bone development.
Ariel Gomez, MD, researches renin cells and their potential medical applications.
When Jillian's leukemia relapsed, CAR T-cell therapy was her best option. Here's how the use case for CAR T in treating children's cancer is expanding.
Infants born extremely prematurely are at increased risk of kidney disease. Researchers are exploring the cause and potential treatment options.
When autism and epilepsy present in the same patient, it creates challenges in care that can only be solved through multi-specialty collaboration.
Steroids have been the standard of care for childhood chronic wheeze. New research shows the effectiveness of antivirals in treating its underlying cause.