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Author: hford (Page 47)

UVA-Led Study Spurs FDA Approval of MitraClip Device

A UVA-led study reveals the promise of a new device for treating those patients with severe degenerative mitral regurgitation who are at prohibitive risk for open surgery. The MitraClip is one more promising addition to the arsenal of advanced procedures offered at UVA for those with MR.

Reducing Stroke Risk In Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

UVA is one of the only centers in Virginia offering three minimally invasive procedures to occlude the left atrial appendage, which has shown promising results in reducing blood clots and, thus, lowering the risk for stroke in AF patients who cannot take blood thinners.  

Printable Fact Sheets

Neurosciences and Behavioral Health Neuro-Oncology Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials Pediatric Neurosciences and Epilepsy Multiple Sclerosis Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Movement Disorders Epilepsy UVA Stroke Center Electroencephalography UVA Spine Center   Cardiology UVA Children's  Hospital Heart Center UVA Advanced Valve Center UVA Complex Aortic Disease Program   Gastroenterology Interventional Endoscopy
